543e sociétaire
Danièle Lebrun made her debut in Arthur Miller’s The Crucible (Les Sorcières de Salem) by Raymond Rouleau at the Théâtre Sarah-Bernhardt. Having won the first prize for acting at the Conservatoire, she was engaged by the Comédie-Française in 1958 and played in Bourdet’s The Weaker Sex (Le Sexe faible), Pirandello’s Right You Are (Chacun sa vérité) and Molière’s The Impromptu at Versailles (L’Impromptu de Versailles) and Les Précieuses ridicules. In 1960, she became part of the La Huchette Company and took part in Ionesco’s The Bald Soprano directed by Nicolas Bataille. From 1965, she collaborated with Antoine Bourseiller on Franz Kafka’s Amerika, Roger Planchon on Molière’s George Dandin and Alexandre Dumas’ The Three Musketeers (Les Trois Mousquetaires) and Laurent Terzieff on the creation of Slawomir Mrozek's Tango. For the opening of the Théâtre de la Ville in 1968, she played Beatrice in Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing by Jorge Lavelli, Actor #1 in Pirandello’s Six Characters in Search of an Author (Six personnages en quête d’auteur) by Jean Mercure and Célimène in Molière’s Le Misanthrope by Marcel Bluwal. The following year, Pierre Debauche cast her as Regan in Shakespeare’s King Lear.
After Jacques Seiler entrusted her with the role of Madame in Christopher Frank’s La Mort de Lady Chatterley in 1971, Danièle Brun continued interpreting parts in works by contemporary authors including Raymond Queneau, Roland Dubillard and Robert Pinget. Jean Anouilh directed her in two of his own pieces: Ne réveillez pas Madame and Colombe, in which she played the title role. She has worked with many renowned directors, such as Alfredo Arias in Arthur Schnitzler's La Ronde, Gildas Bourdet in Marivaux's Les Fausses Confidences, Jérôme Savary in Oscar Wilde’s The Importance of Being Earnest, François Berreur in Lagarce’s Juste la fin du monde, Christophe Lidon in Chekhov’s The Seagull, Jean-Claude Brisville’s L’Antichambre and Eugène Ionesco's Délire à deux.
In 1976, she won the Critics Union Award for Mishima’s Madame de Sade directed by Jean-Pierre Granval. In 1992, she won the Molière Award for Best Supporting Actress for Molière’s Le Misanthrope by Francis Huster, and, in 2006, a second one for George Bernard Shaw’s Pygmalion by Nicolas Briançon.
Having rejoined the Comédie-Française for the second time in 2011, she played Dame Pluche in Musset’s No Trifling with Love (On ne badine pas avec l’amour) by Yves Beaunesne. Under the direction of Alain Françon, she first played in Goldoni’s The Villegiatura Trilogy and later in Chekhov's Three Sisters. Giorgio Barberio Corsetti cast her as Madame de Champigny in Labiche’s An Italian Straw Hat while Éric Ruf entrusted her with the role of Lady Capulet in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. She reunited with Christophe Lidon for Dürrenmatt’s La Visite de la vieille dame, and worked with Galin Stoev on Molière’s Tartuffe as well as with Lars Norén on his own play Poussière.
Her Portrait d'actrice has been reveal during the first Nuit du jeu broadcasted on decembre 20, 2022. The interveiw is available on YouTube.
For television, Danièle Lebrun has played in dramas by Alain Tasma, Robert Guédiguian, François Luciani, Philippe de Broca and Bernard Stora as well as in Marcel Bluwal’s theatre adaptations including: Le Jeu de l’amour et du hasard and La Double Inconstance both by Marivaux and Lulu by Frank Wedekind. She also played Baronness Roxane de Saint-Gély in Marcel Bluwal’s successful series Vidocq and Les Nouvelles Aventures de Vidocq. Along with playing in films by Claude Berri, Éric Rohmer and Sylvie Testud, Danièle Lebrun was directed on film by Bruno Nuyten in Camille Claudel, Jacques Audiard in A Self Made Hero (Un héros très discret) and Matthieu Kassovitz in Assassin(s).
During the 2018/2019 season, she can be seen in Hans Christian Andersen’s The Little Mermaid by Géraldine Martineau, Les Oubliés (Alger-Paris) written and directed by Julie Bertin and Jade Herbulot – Le Birgit Ensemble, and Hors la loi written and directed by Pauline Bureau.
by Alfred de Musset directed by Christian Gonon made by Clément Gaubert
le Chœur
by Paul Claudel staged and directed by Éric Ruf
le Chancelier, Doña Honoria, le Chambellan et la Religieuse
C’est lundi au Vieux-Co : Résistance...
Rencontre avec Alya Aglan, historienne, professeure d'histoire contemporaine à...
La Reine des neiges, l'histoire oubliée
after Hans Christian Andersen Directed by Johanna Boyé
la Grand-Mère, Madame Clément, le Petit Troll des champignons et la Vieille Brigande
artistic director Amélie Wendling
Théorème / Je me sens un cœur à aimer...
d'Amine Adjina d’après Pier Paolo Pasolini directed by Amine Adjina et Émilie Prévosteau
la Grand-Mère
Adaptation Françoise Gillard et Amélie Wendling Directed by Françoise Gillard
La Reine des neiges, the forgotten...
La Reine des neiges, the forgotten story of Kay and Gerda After Hans Christian...
la Grand-Mère, Madame Clément, le Petit Troll des champignons et la Vieille Brigande
by Molière artistic direction by Géraldine Martineau
Gros-René, valet de Gorgibus et un avocat
Singulis / Le Silence de Molière
by Giovanni Macchia directed by Anne Kessler performed by Danièle Lebrun
d'Ingmar Bergman Mise en scène Julie Deliquet
Mademoiselle Ester, femme de chambre chez Helena
Texte et mise en scène Pauline Bureau
Simone de Beauvoir et Madame Duboucheix
Portrait d'acteur : Danièle Lebrun
PARADOXE(S) Being together and being oneself, at one time, in one place, in one entity
The Little Mermaid after Hans Christian Andersen Adapted and directed by Géraldine...
la Grand-Mère de la Petite Sirène, la Sorcière des mers et la Mère de la Princesse du...
Outlaws Writed and directed by Pauline Bureau
Simone de Beauvoir et Madame Duboucheix
SPECIAL DAYS / Once upon a time at the Comédie-Française: the première of Paul Claudel’s...
The Forgotten Ones [Algiers-Paris] Writed and directed by Julie Bertin and Jade...
Catherine Mairet, mère du marié (2019) et Yvonne de Gaulle (1958-1961)
The Little Mermaid after Hans Christian Andersen Directed by Géraldine Martineau
La Grand-Mère de la Petite Sirène, la Sorcière des mers et la Mère de la Princesse du...
Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare Directed by Éric Ruf
Lady Capulet
by Lars Norén Directed by Lars Norén
The Rules of the Game based on the screenplay by Jean Renoir Directed by Christiane...
Mme de La Bruyère
Readings of contemporary authors
Readings of contemporary authors
Singulis / L'Envers du music-hall
by Colette Directed by Danièle Lebrun
The Rules of the Game after the screenplay by Jean Renoir Directed by Christiane Jatahy
Mme de La Bruyère
The Actors’ Attic
Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare Directed by Éric Ruf
Lady Capulet
An Italian Straw Hat by Eugène Labiche Directed by Giorgio Barberio Corsetti
La Baronne de Champigny (en alternance)
by Molière Directed by Galin Stoev
Madame Pernelle (en alternance)
Le grand XXe / Cent ans de poésie
Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare DIrected by scène Éric Ruf
Lady Capulet
by Dea Loher Directed by Denis Marleau
Frau Zucker, mère de Rosa
An Italian Straw Hat by Eugène Labiche Directed by Giorgio Barberio Corsetti
La Baronne de Champigny (en alternance)
by Barbara Directed by Béatrice Agenin
Actor School
by Friedrich Dürrenmatt Directed by Christophe Lidon
Claire Zahanassian
by Jean de la Fontaine Reading directed by Muriel Mayette-Holtz
La Trilogie de la villégiature
The Holiday Trilogy by Carlo Goldoni Directed by Alain Françon
The Three Sisters by Anton Tchekhov Directed by Alain Françon
Anfissa, la vieille nourrice
An Italian Straw Hat by Eugène Labiche and Marc-Michel Directed by Giorgio Barberio...
La Baronne de Champigny
Théâtre éphémère
Readings of contemporary authors
by Alfred de Musset Direceted by Yves Beaunesne
Dame Pluche
Théâtre éphémère
La Trilogie de la villégiature
The Holiday Trilogy by Carlo Goldoni Directed by Alain Françon
Théâtre éphémère
by Alfred de Musset Direceted by Yves Beaunesne
Dame Pluche
by Arthur Schnitzler Directed by Alfredo Arias
la Jeune Femme mariée
En raison du renforcement des mesures de sécurité dans le cadre du plan Vigipirate « Urgence attentat », nous vous demandons de vous présenter 30 minutes avant le début de la représentation afin de faciliter le contrôle.
Nous vous rappelons également qu’un seul sac (de type sac à main, petit sac à dos) par personne est admis dans l’enceinte des trois théâtres de la Comédie-Française. Tout spectateur se présentant muni d’autres sacs (sac de courses, bagage) ou objets encombrants, se verra interdire l’entrée des bâtiments.