

Élissa Alloula made her debut on stage as part of her training at the Vélo Volé school, by interpreting Fanchette in The Mariage of Figaro (Le Mariage de Figaro) at the Lucernaire theatre. In 2011, following the Center of Paris Municipal Conservatory, she enrolled at the École du Théâtre national de Strasbourg run by Julie Brochen. There, she worked with directors such as Gildas Milin (the Dicklit writing collective); Claudio Tolcachir (Romeo and Juliet); Sacha Todorov (Cromwell); Cécile Garcia-Fogel (Bérénice) and with the tg STAN (three works by Büchner). Vincent Thépaut, who graduated from the same class, directed her on stage at the Venice Open Stage festival in Heiner Müller’s Gundling’s Life in 2013 and later in Jean Genet’s Elle in 2014. At the same time, Élissa Alloula obtained a two-year master’s degree in theater studies at the Paris X University. Her final thesis was dedicated to the analysis of contemporary theater in Algeria, a topic she chose in memory of her uncle, the playwright Abdelkader Alloula who was killed because of his work.

In 2015, Jean-Yves Ruf entrusted her with the role of Irina in his production of Chekhov’s Three Sisters which toured in France and Switzerland. In 2015 and 2016, she played Scapin and Zerbinette in Scapin the Schemer (Les Fourberies de Scapin) which toured with the performing arts group Les Fous Masqués. As part of the Art des Nations’ association run by Patrick Sommier, Élissa Alloula played extracts from Wang Renjie in China, directed by David Lescot and Jean-René Lemoine. In 2016, Charles Tordjman directed her in Le Monologue du nous by Bernard Noël. At the Nouveau Théâtre Populaire festival in Maine-et-Loire the following year, she played Élissa in La Fleur au fusil written and directed by Clovis Fouin; Clémentine in Feydeau’s La Dame de chez Maxim by Frédéric Jessua; and several roles in Winsor McCay’s Little Nemo by Émilien Diard-Detoeuf. In 2018, she went on tour with the Birgit Ensemble diptych, Memories of Sarajevo and Dans les ruines d’Athènes. In January 2019, Margaux Eskenazi and Alice Carré offered her a role in which she interpreted the life of her own father in J’ai la douceur du peuple, effrayante, au fond du crâne, subsequently entitled Et le cœur fume encore, a performance exploring the memories of the war in Algeria.

Lilo Baur and Jean-Yves Ruf directed her in Daniil Harms’ En se couchant, il a raté son lit. In various schools, she played in the Kateb Variation, based on Kateb Yacine’s story, an Algerian poet who used the French language as a weapon in the struggle for decolonisation.

Élissa Alloula became a pensionnaire of the Comédie-Française on the 1st of September 2019, reprising the role of Angélique during the tour of the Imaginary Invalid (Malade imaginaire) directed by Claude Stratz.

In the 2019-2020 season, she performs in Forums, by playwrights Patrick Goujon, Hélène Grémillon, Maël Piriou staged by Jeanne Herry in the Théâtre du Vieux-Colombier and in the reruns of Molière’s The Imaginary Invalid and Scapin the Schemer (Fourberies de Scapin).

Soon in

Pinocchio créature

after Carlo Collodi
adapted and directed by Sophie Bricaire



Hécube, pas Hécube

written and directed by Tiago Rodrigues
translated by Thomas Resendes



At the Comédie-Française


  • Hécube, pas Hécube

    written and directed by Tiago Rodrigues translated by Thomas Resendes

    une comédienne, interprétant le Chœur et le Coryphée et Nérine, ancienne remplaçante à la...


  • Pinocchio créature

    after Carlo Collodi adapted and directed by Sophie Bricaire

    Mangefeu, le Chat, Médecin 2, le Juge, Lumignon et le Marchand d'ânes


  • ON TOUR / Hécube pas Hécube

    Written and directed by Tiago Rodrigues

    une comédienne, interprétant le Choeur et le Coryphée ; et Nérine, ancienne remplaçante à...

    On tour


  • Les Fourberies de Scapin

    by Molière Directed by Denis Podalydès

    Zerbinette, amante de Léandre (alternating)


  • Culottées

    After Pénélope Bagieu Directed by Justine Heynemann

    María Teresa (Las Mariposas), Peggy Guggenheim, Frances Glessner Lee, Rachel (The...


  • ON TOUR / Le Malade imaginaire

    by Molière directed by Claude Stratz


    On tour

  • Et si c'étaient eux ?

    Written and directed by Christophe Montenez and Jules Sagot

    Lisa Oullala, assistante d’Alban Vauqueur



  • Médée

    after Euripide Translated by Florence Dupont Adaptated and directed by Lisaboa...

    le Chœur de Colchide et le Chœur d’Athènes



  • Les Fourberies de Scapin

    by Molière Directed by Denis Podalydès

    Zerbinette (Alternating)


  • Monsieur de Pourceaugnac

    by Molière artistic direction by Véronique Vella bifrontal system

    Lucette, feinte Gasconne, un musicien et un avocat


  • Le Sicilien ou l'Amour peintre

    by Molière artistic direction by Nicolas Lormeau

    Climène, sœur d’Adraste / Isidore, Grecque, esclave de Don Pèdre

  • Le Malade imaginaire

    by Molière directed by Claude Stratz



  • George Dandin ou le Mari confondu

    by Molière artistic direction by Hervé Pierre bifrontal system

    Claudine, suivante d’Angélique


  • D'où rayonne la nuit

    (Molière-Lully, impromptu musical) Text and direction Yoann Gasiorowski


  • En attendant les barbares

    d’après J. M. Coetzee Adaptation et mise en scène Camille Bernon et Simon Bourgade

    Jager, soldate, Molly, prostituée et Mai, intendante de la caserne


  • 7 minutes

    by Stefano Massini directed by Maëlle Poésy




  • En attendant les barbares

    d’après J. M. Coetzee Adaptation et mise en scène Camille Bernon et Simon Bourgade

    Jager, soldate ; Molly, prostituée ; Mai, intendante de la caserne


  • Bajazet

    by Jean Racine directed by Éric Ruf


    Studio Marigny


  • Bajazet

    by Jean Racine Directed by Éric Ruf



  • Forums

    de Patrick Goujon, Hélène Grémillon, Maël Piriou Devised and directed by Jeanne Herry

    Anonyme, Apocalypse, Bazinga, Camille la modératrice, Emilaïe, Guili-guili, Ibiza, Louie...


  • Les Fourberies de Scapin

    "Scapin The Schemer" by Molière Directed by Denis Podalydès

    Zerbinette (en alternance)


  • Smart glasses

    English subtitles

  • Découvrez

    la saison 24-25


En raison du renforcement des mesures de sécurité dans le cadre du plan Vigipirate « Urgence attentat », nous vous demandons de vous présenter 30 minutes avant le début de la représentation afin de faciliter le contrôle.

Nous vous rappelons également qu’un seul sac (de type sac à main, petit sac à dos) par personne est admis dans l’enceinte des trois théâtres de la Comédie-Française. Tout spectateur se présentant muni d’autres sacs (sac de courses, bagage) ou objets encombrants, se verra interdire l’entrée des bâtiments.
