513e sociétaire
At the age of 18, Guillaume Gallienne decided to simultaneously study theatre and History. Having trained at the Cours Florent for four years, he joined the Conservatoire national supérieur d’art dramatique (Paris Conservatory) following courses taught by Daniel Mesguich, Dominique Valadié and Stéphane Braunschweig. When he was an intern at the Théâtre du Vieux-Colombier in 1996, Daniel Mesguich entrusted him with the role of Arcas in Racine’s Mithridate. Claude Mathieu was playing Queen Monime in the same play and inspired him to join the House of Molière. Guillaume Gallienne replaced an injured actorwhile working as an understudy in Shakespeare’s The Tempest directed by Mr Mesguich at the Comédie-Française. That same evening in July 1998, he was named pensionnaire in order to play in Brecht’s Mother Courage and Her Children under the direction of Jorge Lavelli. In 2005, he became the 513th sociétaire of the Comédie-Française. As part of the company, he has performed in a number of plays including the following: Molière’s Les Femmes savantes directed by Simon Eine; Feydeau’s Un fil à la patte under the direction of Jérôme Deschamps (for which he won the Molière Award for best supporting role); Chekhov’s Three Sisters and Goldoni’s La Trilogie de la villégiature staged by Alain Françon; Gontcharov’s Oblomov directed by Volodia Serre, which he subsequently adapted for Arte Television in 2017; Musset’s Fantasio directed by Denis Podalydès who later entrusted Gallienne with the title role in Hugo’s Lucrezia Borgia; and Visconti’s The Damned staged by Ivo van Hove.
As part of his activities outside the theatre company, he staged Sartre’s Behind Closed Doors (Huis-Clos) at the Tessenkai Noh Theatre in Tokyo. Further, he collaborated on the synopsis and wrote the dramaturgy for Caligula, a ballet by Nicolas Le Riche at the Opéra national de Paris, as well as the dramaturgy for Alexeï Ratmansky’s Lost Illusions at the Bolshoi. In 2017, he directed Rossini’s La Cenerentola at the Opéra national de Paris as his first lyrical piece. Between 2008 and 2010, his sketch comedy series parodying the cinema industry and entitled Les Bonus de Guillaume enjoyed great popularity on the small screen. Since September 2009, he has hosted Ça peut pas faire de mal, a weekly show on France Inter Radio where he reads great literary texts.
As a child, Guillaume Gallienne could imitate his mother to perfection. He would develop this first great performance to its full potential in an autobiographical play entitled Les Garçons et Guillaume, à table !, directed by Claude Mathieu in 2008 (for which he won the Molière Award for best male newcomer in 2010). This critical and popular success was further confirmed in 2013, when the film version garnered an audience of three million and scooped up five César Awards. He has also played in a number of feature films, such as Fabien Oteniente's Jet Set; Sofia Coppola's Marie-Antoinette; Danièle Thompson's Fauteuils d’orchestre and Cézanne et moi; Niels Arestrup's Le Candidat, Diane Kury's Sagan; Pascal Thoma's Ensemble, nous allons vivre une très grande histoire d’amour; Jalil Lespert’s Yves Saint-Laurent; and Pierre Godeau’s Eperdument. Maryline, the second film written and directed by Guillaume Gallienne opened in cinemas in November 2017.
He holds the honors of Chevalier of the National Order of Merit and Officer of the Order of Arts and Letters.
comedy-ballet by Molière
directed by Valérie Lesort and Christian Hecq
Ticketscomedy-ballet by Molière directed by Valérie Lesort and Christian Hecq
Maître de philosophie (alternating)
Actor portait : Guillaume Gallienne
PARADOXE(S) The motto, Simul et singulis, instantly places them at the heart of a...
by Molière directed by Claude Stratz
Argan, malade imaginaire
Six personnages en quête d'auteur
by Luigi Pirandello Directed by Marina Hands
ON TOUR / Le Malade imaginaire
by Molière directed by Claude Stratz
On tour
Comedy-ballet by Molière Directed by Valérie Lesort and Christian Hecq
Maître de philosophie (alternating)
ON TOUR / Le Tartuffe ou l'Hypocrite
by Molière Directed by Ivo van Hove
Cléante, beau-frère d’Orgon
On tour
by Georg Büchner Directed by Simon Delétang
Saint-Just, membre du Comité de salut public (en alternance)
by Bertolt Brecht Directed by Éric Ruf
le Maréchal, Barberini, le Pape et Marchand (en alternance)
Comedy-ballet by Molière Directed by Valérie Lesort and Christian Hecq
Maître de philosophie (Alternating)
by Molière directed by Claude Stratz
Comédie-ballet de Molière Mise en scène Valérie Lesort et Christian Hecq
Maître de philosophie
Singulis / François, le saint jongleur
de Dario Fo Interprétation – Guillaume Gallienne
Studio Marigny
Life of Galileo by Bertolt Brecht Directed by Éric Ruf
le Maréchal, Barberini, le Pape et Marchand (alternately)
The Damned after the screenplay by Luchino Visconti, Nicola Badalucco and Enrico...
Friedrich Bruckmann
The Damned after the screenplay by Luchino Visconti, Nicola Badalucco and Enrico...
Friedrich Bruckmann
The Damned after the screenplay by Luchino Visconti, Nicola Badalucco and Enrico...
Friedrich Bruckmann
The Damned after the screenplay by Luchino Visconti, Nicola Badalucco and Enrico...
Friedrich Bruckmann
Lucrezia Borgia by Victor Hugo Directed by Denis Podalydès
Lucrèce Borgia
A Cat Among The Pigeons by Georges Feydeau Directed by Jérôme Deschamps
Chenneviette et Miss Betting (en alternance)
Lucrezia Borgia by Victor Hugo Directed by Denis Podalydès
Lucrèce Borgia
by Ivan Alexandrovitch Gontcharov Directed by Volodia Serre
Ilia Ilitch Oblomov
by Ivan Alexandrovitch Gontcharov Directed by Volodia Serre
Ilia Ilitch Oblomov
On tour
Lucrezia Borgia by Victor Hugo Directed by Denis Podalydès
Lucrèce Borgia
A Cat Among The Pigeons by Georges Feydeau Directed by Jérôme Deschamps
Chenneviette et Miss Betting (en alternance)
La Trilogie de la villégiature
The Holiday Trilogy by Carlo Goldoni Directed by Alain Françon
by Ivan Alexandrovitch Gontcharov Directed by Volodia Serre
Ilia Ilich Oblomov
A Cat Among The Pigeons by Georges Feydeau Directed by Jérôme Deschamps
Chenneviette et Miss Betting (en alternance)
The Imaginary Invalid by Molière Directed by Claude Stratz
Monsieur Bonnefoy et Monsieur Fleurant
Théâtre éphémère
Guillaume Gallienne / Alain Passard
Lecture des sens
One Flea Spare by Naomi Wallace Directed by Anne-Laure Liégeois
Théâtre éphémère
La Trilogie de la villégiature
The Holiday Trilogy by Carlo Goldoni Directed by Alain Françon
Théâtre éphémère
The Three Sisters by Anton Tchekhov Directed by Alain Françon
Andreï Sergueïevitch Prozorov
Actor School
A Cat Among The Pigeons by Georges Feydeau Directed by Jérôme Deschamps
Chenneviette et Miss Betting
The Three Sisters by Anton Tchekhov Directed by Alain Françon
Andreï Sergueïevitch Prozorov
by Alfred de Musset Directed by Denis Podalydès
Hartman et le Prince de Mantoue
by Alfred de Musset Directed by Denis Podalydès
Hartman et le Prince de Mantoue
The Misanthrope by Molière Directed by Lukas Hemleb
Oronte (alternating)
Saint-François, le divin jongleur
Saint-François, The Divine Juggler by Dario Fo Directed by Claude Mathieu
by Édouard Bourdet Directed by Jean-Claude Berutti
Bob Laroche
Saint-François, le divin jongleur
Saint-François, The Divine Juggler by Dario Fo Directed by Claude Mathieu
The Bacchantes by Euripide Directed by André Wilms
by Fabrice Melquiot Directed by Philippe Lagrue
Bouli Miro
L'Amour médecin et Le Sicilien ou...
by Molière Directed by Jean-Marie Villégier and Jonathan Duverger
M. Macroton et Filène
La Nuit des rois ou Ce que vous voulez
Twelfth Night or What you will by William Shakespeare Directed by Andrzej Seweryn
by Grégory Motton Directed by Thierry de Peretti
Tata and Soul Prestige
La Nuit des rois ou Ce que vous voulez
Twelfth Night or What you will by William Shakespeare Directed by Andrzej Seweryn
by Georges Feydeau Directed by Lukas Hemleb
Pontagnac (alternating)
by Georges Feydeau Directed by Lukas Hemleb
Pontagnac (alternating)
by Marivaux Directed by Sandrine Anglade
by Molière Directed by Simon Eine
The Misanthrope by Molière Directed by Jean-Pierre Miquel
The Guard and Du Bois
The School for Wives by Molière Directed by Éric Vigner
A Notary (alternating)
The School for Husbands by Molière Directed by Thierry Hancisse
Valère (alternating)
by Jean Racine Directed by Daniel Mesguich
by Molière Directed by Simon Eine
Julien (alternating)
by Molière Directed by Simon Eine
by Jean Racine Directed by Daniel Mesguich
En raison du préavis de grève nationale déposé pour la défense des métiers des professionnelles et professionnels des arts, du spectacle et de la culture suivi par une partie des équipes de la Comédie-Française, la représentation de La Cerisaie programmée ce jeudi 20 mars à 20h30, Salle Richelieu, est annulée.
Vous trouverez ci-dessous les modalités de remboursement de vos billets.
Nous vous prions de bien vouloir nous excuser et vous remercions par avance pour votre patience, fidélité et soutien.
En raison du renforcement des mesures de sécurité dans le cadre du plan Vigipirate « Urgence attentat », nous vous demandons de vous présenter 30 minutes avant le début de la représentation afin de faciliter le contrôle.
Nous vous rappelons également qu’un seul sac (de type sac à main, petit sac à dos) par personne est admis dans l’enceinte des trois théâtres de la Comédie-Française. Tout spectateur se présentant muni d’autres sacs (sac de courses, bagage) ou objets encombrants, se verra interdire l’entrée des bâtiments.