As a child, Noam Morgensztern followed acting and piano classes in Toulouse. In 2000, as a student of the Cours Simon, he discovered dubbing and lent his voice to a number of films, such as Michael Haneke’s The Pianist and Nanni Moretti’s The Son’s Room. In 2003, he enrolled at the Paris Conservatoire national supérieur d'art dramatique, and, at the same time, trained as a sound technician at the Institut national de l’audiovisuel and studied the principles of classical music and the piano at the Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance. At the Conservatoire, he played in Shakespeare’s Richard II directed by Andrzej Seweryn, Goldoni’s Les Cancans and La Femme fantasque by Muriel Mayette-Holtz and Strindberg’s A Dream Play by Lukas Hemleb. With Dominique Valadié, he tackled the issues arising from Sarah Kane’s 4.48 Psychosis and worked with Michel Fau on excerpts from Lucrezia Borgia by Victor Hugo. Under the direction of Daniel Mesguich, he interpreted the title role in an excerpt of Chekhov’s Platonov.
In the theatre, he mainly played with the Company Les Sans Cou directed by Igor Mendjisky, such as Le Plus Heureux des Trois and Masques & Nez. He also performed in several shows directed by Victor Quezada, including Petit boulot pour vieux clown by Matei Visniec; Pablo Neruda, il y a cent ans naissait un poète and Victor Jara, a musical homage to the popular Chilean author, composer and performer. In 2007, Noam Morgensztern directed Car cela devient une histoire, a show on the work of Charlotte Delbo and to the music by Franz Léhar.
Noam Morgensztern entered the Comédie-Française in 2013 in order to assume the role of Arlequin on the tour of Marivaux’s Jeu de l’amour et du hasard directed by Galin Stoev. He continued exploring the classical repertoire by performing in Molière’s plays: Claude Stratz’s staging of The Imaginary Invalid (Le Malade imaginaire) and in Hervé Pierre’s staging of George Dandin, as well as in Shakespeare’s Othello directed by Léonie Simaga and The Midsummer Night’s Dream by Muriel Mayette-Holtz. He played in Labiche’s La Dame aux jambes d'azur under the direction of Jean-Pierre Vincent, in Dürrenmatt’s The Visit (La Visite de la vieille dame) directed by Christophe Lidon, in Vania after Chekhov’s Uncle Vanya directed by Julie Deliquet and in Schnitzler’s La Ronde directed by Anne Kessler. Christian Hecq and Valérie Lesort directed him in Jules Verne’s Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea (20 000 lieues sous les mers) and Robert Carsen in Shakespeare’s The Tempest. As part of the Singulis Festival, he put on Au Pays des mensonges, a one-man show based on the short stories written by the Israeli author Etgar Keret.
On film, he has worked with the following directors; Marc-Henri Dufresne in The Journey to Paris (Le Voyage à Paris), and Valérie Donzelli in Que d’amour, an adaptation of Marivaux’s Jeu de l’amour et du hasard. On television, he has been directed by Caroline Huppert in J'ai deux amours, by Amos Gitaï in Plus tard tu comprendras and by Dominique Ladoge in La Loi de mon pays, for which he won the Award for Best Male Newcomer at the La Rochelle Festival in 2011. At the end of 2017, director Benjamin Abitan asked him to embody Tintin in a radio adaptation of Hergé’s book Les 7 boules de Cristal on France Culture radio station.
During the 2018/2019 season, Noam Morgensztern will be performing in Shakespeare’s The Twelfth Night Or What You Will by Thomas Ostermeier, Goldoni’s La Locandiera by Alain Françon, Bergman’s Fanny et Alexandre by Julie Deliquet and in Les Serge (Gainsbourg Point Barre) by Stéphane Varupenne and Sébastien Pouderoux.
after William Shakespeare
adapted, directed and staged by Silvia Costa
translated by Yves Bonnefoy
TicketsAdapted and directed by
Stéphane Varupenne and Sébastien Pouderoux
On tour
ON TOUR / Les Serge (Gainsbourg point...
Adapted and directed by Stéphane Varupenne and Sébastien Pouderoux
chant, piano, claviers
On tour
after William Shakespeare adapted, directed and staged by Silvia Costa translated by...
Macbeth, général
Les Serge (Gainsbourg point barre)
adapted and directed by Stéphane Varupenne et Sébastien Pouderoux
chant, piano, claviers
by Molière directed by Claude Stratz
Thomas Diafoirus, fils de Monsieur Diafoirus, Monsieur Bonnefoy, notaire et Monsieur...
by William Shakespeare Translated by Yves Bonnefoy Directed by Silvia Costa
Macbeth, général
by Molière Directed by Denis Podalydès
Scapin, valet de Léandre (alternating)
by Guillaume Poix and Lorraine de Sagazan after works by Antonioni Directed by...
par Noam Morgensztern
Les Serge (Gainsbourg point barre)
adapted and directed by Stéphane Varupenne et Sébastien Pouderoux
chant, piano, claviers
after William Shakespeare Directed by Thomas Ostermeier
Edgar, fils de Gloucester
by Molière artistic direction Noam Morgensztern
M. Harpin, receveur des tailles, autre amant de la Comtesse
by Molière Directed by Stéphane Varupenne et Sébastien Pouderoux
d'Ingmar Bergman Mise en scène Julie Deliquet
Aron Retzinsky, neveu d’Isak
Spectacle musical conçu et mis en scène par Serge Bagdassarian et Marina Hands
Musical devised and directed by Serge Bagdassarian and Marina Hands
La Nuit des rois ou Tout ce que vous...
"Twelfth Night or What you will" by William Shakespeare Directed by Thomas Ostermeier
Antonio, marin, ami de Sébastien et Valentin, gentilhomme de la suite d’Orsino
Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare Adapted and directed by Rodolphe Dana
Casca, sénateur conspirateur et Octave
Les Serge (Gainsbourg point barre)
Adaptation and direction Stéphane Varupenne and Sébastien Pouderoux
chant, piano, claviers
The Free Exchange Hotel by Georges Feydeau Directed by Isabelle Nanty
Fanny and Alexander by Ingmar Bergman Directed by Julie Deliquet
Aron Retzinsky, neveu d’Isak
The Mistress of The Inn by Carlo Goldoni Directed by Alain Françon
La Nuit des rois ou Tout ce que vous...
Twelfth Night or What you will by William Shakespeare Directed by Thomas Ostermeier
Antonio, marin, ami de Sébastien et Valentin, gentilhomme de la suite d’Orsino
Actor School
The Tempest by William Shakespeare French adaptation by Jean-Claude Carrière Directed...
Sebastian, frère d’Alonso (en alternance)
after Uncle Vanya by Anton Tchekhov Directed by Julie Deliquet
Ilia Ilitch Tielieguine, propriétaire ruiné et employé du domaine
by Edmond Rostand Directed by Denis Podalydès
le Cavalier, Bellerose, le Mousquetaire, Cadet (en alternance)
Singulis / Au pays des mensonges
by Etgar Keret Directed by Noam Morgensztern
Noam Morgensztern / Charlotte Delbo
The Actors’ Attic
20,000 Leagues under the Sea by Jules Verne (adapted by Christian Hecq and Valérie...
Flippos, second du Capitaine Nemo, et manipulation de marionnettes
by Arthur Schnitzler Directed by Anne Kessler
Le Soldat
after Uncle Vanya by Anton Tchekhov Directed by Julie Deliquet
Ilia Ilitch Tielieguine, propriétaire ruiné et employé du domaine
George Dandin / La Jalousie du...
by Molière Directed by Hervé Pierre
Lubin / Le Docteur
La Résurrection rouge et blanche de...
Vagabond Readings # 1
A Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare Directed by Muriel Mayette-Holtz
by Eugène Labiche Directed by Jean-Pierre Vincent
Le Machiniste
by Molière Directed by Hervé Pierre
Readings of contemporary authors
The Imaginary Invalid by Molière Directed by Claude Stratz
Monsieur Bonnefoy et Monsieur Fleurant
by William Shakespeare Directed by Léonie Simaga
by Friedrich Dürrenmatt Directed by Christophe Lidon
Karl fils d’Alfred Ill, le Gymnaste, le Chef de train, un journaliste, le Caméraman et...
En raison du préavis de grève nationale déposé pour la défense des métiers des professionnelles et professionnels des arts, du spectacle et de la culture suivi par une partie des équipes de la Comédie-Française, la représentation de La Cerisaie programmée ce jeudi 20 mars à 20h30, Salle Richelieu, est annulée.
Vous trouverez ci-dessous les modalités de remboursement de vos billets.
Nous vous prions de bien vouloir nous excuser et vous remercions par avance pour votre patience, fidélité et soutien.
En raison du renforcement des mesures de sécurité dans le cadre du plan Vigipirate « Urgence attentat », nous vous demandons de vous présenter 30 minutes avant le début de la représentation afin de faciliter le contrôle.
Nous vous rappelons également qu’un seul sac (de type sac à main, petit sac à dos) par personne est admis dans l’enceinte des trois théâtres de la Comédie-Française. Tout spectateur se présentant muni d’autres sacs (sac de courses, bagage) ou objets encombrants, se verra interdire l’entrée des bâtiments.