After attaining a university degree in History, Yoann Gasiorowski trained at the Poitiers Conservatory which was run by Jean-Pierre Berthomier. In 2011, he performed Daniel Keene’s Untitled Monologue (Monologue sans titre) directed by Rodolphe Gentilhomme.
Then he played in Patio, a multimedia piece conceived by Cyril Teste and the MxM collective after We’re Not Here to Disappear (On n’est pas là pour disparaître) by Olivia Rosenthal. As part of the 25th class of the École supérieure de la Comédie de Saint-Étienne, he worked with Bruno Meyssat on improvising from objects and with Alain Françon on the interpretation of Chekhov’s opus, more specifically Uncle Vanya. Matthieu Cruciani introduced the students with the Marat-Sade, a work by Peter Weiss, and with Danton’s Death by Georg Büchner. Benoît Lambert had the students work on Débâcle(s), a piece Marion Aubert wrote specially for them. As a trained musician, Yoann Gasiorowki played the role of the Drummer in Jon Fosse’s Lilac as part of a carte blanche program by Marie-Ange Gagnaux et Clara Bonnet. He discovered the work of Thomas Bernhard through working with Michel Raskine who directed him in Le Réformateur.
Having left the school in 2014, he became a permanent member of the TDB, Centre dramatique national Dijon-Bourgogne Company for three seasons. There, he was part of several creations by Benoit Lambert: Molière’s Tartuffe or the Impostor (Tartuffe ou l’imposteur), Tartuffe 2.4 – a short piece for student classrooms, and La Devise by François Bégaudeau. At the same time, he continued training with Denis Guenoun and Stanislas Roquette in a workshop on the ‘‘scenic energy of thought’’ (« Énergies scéniques de la pensée »), and with Baptiste Guiton who directed him in Le bruit des taupes, a radio play by Magali Mougel broadcast on France Culture. At the Maison de la Poésie in Paris, he participated in the reading of Montrez-moi vos mains written and staged by the pianist Alexandre Tharaud.
In 2017, Yoann Gasiorowski played with two companies from Poitiers: Dennis Kelly’s Love and Money directed by Mathilde Souchaud, and 20 Novembre, a multimedia piece conceived by Angélique Orvain after a text by Lars Norén. He ran an interpretation workshop for the students of the Poitiers Conservatory, which was directly inspired by L’Abécédaire by Gilles Deleuze and Claire Parnet.
He became a pensionnaire of the Comédie-Française on the 2nd of January 2018, and made his debut in Goethe’s Faust, adapted and staged by Valentine Losseau and Raphaël Navarro. He also played in Les Ondes magnétiques written and directed by David Lescot.
In the 2018/2019 season, Yoann Gasiorowski will be playing in Shakespeare’s The Twelfth Night Or What You Will by Thomas Ostermeier, Federico Fellini’s Le Voyage de G. Mastorna by Marie Rémond and in Les Serge (Gainsbourg Point barre) by Stéphane Varupenne and Sébastien Pouderoux. He will also be playing in the rerun of Victor Hugo’s Lucrezia Borgia by Denis Podalydès.
adapted and directed by Stéphane Varupenne et Sébastien Pouderoux
Sold outAdapted and directed by
Stéphane Varupenne and Sébastien Pouderoux
On tour
ON TOUR / Les Serge (Gainsbourg point...
Adapted and directed by Stéphane Varupenne and Sébastien Pouderoux
chant, batterie, percussion, piano (en alternance)
On tour
Les Serge (Gainsbourg point barre)
adapted and directed by Stéphane Varupenne et Sébastien Pouderoux
chant, batterie, percussion, piano
C’est lundi au Vieux-Co : Jane B.
Rencontre et lectures avec Gabrielle Crawford, photographe, Étienne Daho, auteur,...
by Edmond Rostand directed by Emmanuel Daumas
Christian de Neuvillette et Jeune homme
after Nicolaï Erdman directed by Stéphane Varupenne
Viktor Viktorovitch, un écrivain
Created and directed by Serge Bagdassarian and Marina Hands
by Georges Feydeau Directed by Lilo Baur
Romain Tournel (en alt.)
On tour
by Molière Directed by Clément Hervieu-Léger
Clitandre ( alternating)
by Edmond Rostand Directed by Emmanuel Daumas
Christian de Neuvillette et Jeune homme
Le Chien - Les Contes du chat perché
by Marcel Aymé Directed by Raphaëlle Saudinos and Véronique Vella
le Maître et le Musicien
Comedy-ballet by Molière Directed by Valérie Lesort and Christian Hecq
Cléonte, amoureux de Lucile, Musicien, percussions et manipulation de marionnettes
by Georges Feydeau Directed by Lilo Baur
Romain Tournel (en alt.)
artistic director Amélie Wendling
La Fausse suivante ou le Fourbe puni
Marivaux artistic director Claire de La Rüe du Can
Trivelin, valet du Chevalier
Le Chien - Les Contes du chat perché
by Marcel Aymé directed by Raphaëlle Saudinos et Véronique Vella
le Maître et le Musicien
by Marcel Proust Adapted and directed by Christophe Honoré
Bloch et le Prince Von
by Georges Feydeau Directed by Lilo Baur
Carlos Homénidès de Histangua (en alternance)
Les Serge (Gainsbourg point barre)
adapted and directed by Stéphane Varupenne et Sébastien Pouderoux
chant, batterie, percussion, piano
William Shakespeare artistic director Suliane Brahim
Lord Rivers, frère de la reine Élisabeth, Lord Stanley, comte de Derby et un meurtrier
After George Sand Adapted by Laurent Delvert et Aurélien Hamard-Padis Directed by...
Astolphe de Bramante, cousin de Gabriel
Comedy-ballet by Molière Directed by Valérie Lesort and Christian Hecq
Cléonte, amoureux de Lucile, Musicien, percussions et manipulation de marionnettes
by Molière artistic direction by Véronique Vella bifrontal system
Éraste, amant de Julie et un avocat
Le Sicilien ou l'Amour peintre
by Molière artistic direction by Nicolas Lormeau
Don Pèdre, Sicilien, amant d’Isidore / Adraste, gentilhomme français, amant d’Isidore
by Molière directed by Claude Stratz
Sganarelle ou le Cocu imaginaire
by Molière artistic direction by Thierry Hancisse
Lélie, un amant de Célie
by Molière Directed by Clément Hervieu-Léger
(Molière-Lully, impromptu musical) Text and direction Yoann Gasiorowski
de Jean-Luc Lagarce Mise en scène Glysleïn Lefever
le Deuxième Boy
Spectacle musical conçu et mis en scène par Serge Bagdassarian et Marina Hands
Musical devised and directed by Serge Bagdassarian and Marina Hands
Comédie-ballet de Molière Mise en scène Valérie Lesort et Christian Hecq
Cléonte, amoureux de Lucile, Musicien, percussions et manipulation de marionnettes
de Jean-Luc Lagarce Mise en scène Glysleïn Lefever
le Deuxième Boy
d'après Marcel Proust Adaptation et mise en scène Christophe Honoré
Bloch et le Prince Von
Théâtre Marigny
La Nuit des rois ou Tout ce que vous...
"Twelfth Night or What you will" by William Shakespeare Directed by Thomas Ostermeier
Curio, gentilhomme de la suite d’Orsino, le Capitaine du vaisseau naufragé, ami de Viola...
SPECIAL DAYS / Once upon a time at the Comédie-Française: The House of Molière in the...
Yoann Gasiorowski / Thomas Bernhard
The Actors’ Attic
Les Serge (Gainsbourg point barre)
Adaptation and direction Stéphane Varupenne and Sébastien Pouderoux
chant, batterie, percussion, piano
The Journey of G. Mastorna after Federico Fellini Directed by Marie Rémond
Daniele, acteur jouant les rôles de l’agent-chef, du jeune homme dans la boîte de nuit,...
Lucrezia Borgia by Victor Hugo Directed by Denis Podalydès
Oloferno Vitellozzo (Alternating)
La Nuit des rois ou Tout ce que vous...
Twelfth Night or What you will by William Shakespeare Directed by Thomas Ostermeier
Curio, gentilhomme de la suite d’Orsino, le Capitaine du vaisseau naufragé, ami de Viola...
Les Journées particulières (Special...
Into the Repertoire time machine
by David Lescot Directed by David Lescot
Ji-Ef, homme à tout faire de Radio Quoi ; Le batteur du groupe Makhnovtchina
by Goethe Adapted and directed by Valentine Losseau and Raphaël Navarro
Vagner (valet de Faust), un compagnon de la taverne, un villageois ; manipulation magique...
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Nous vous rappelons également qu’un seul sac (de type sac à main, petit sac à dos) par personne est admis dans l’enceinte des trois théâtres de la Comédie-Française. Tout spectateur se présentant muni d’autres sacs (sac de courses, bagage) ou objets encombrants, se verra interdire l’entrée des bâtiments.