
After Pénélope Bagieu
Directed by Justine Heynemann


25 January 3 March 2024



2024-01-25 19:30:00 2024-03-03 21:30:00

Clémentine Delait, Josephine Baker, Phoolan Devi, Margaret Hamilton, Agnodice, Sonita Alizadeh, Njinga; a bearded woman, friend of all hairy beings, an American dancer and member of the resistance, a terrifying actress turned into a Hollywood star, the first female doctor of Ancient Greece, an Afghan rapper or an 8th century Chinese Empress…

Pénélope Bagieu gathered an amazing cast of icons with unique stories, powerful women, Nobel prizes or unknown individuals, in her instantly successful comic book which was translated into twenty languages. “Each of these women, whatever their era, social origin, historical context, have dared to break barriers. By doing so, not only did they change their own lives, but they also participated in transforming things, each to their own level”, says Bagieu. “It is mesmerizing to realize in how many ways one may take charge of their own life.”
Justine Heynemann adapted this bountiful diversity into a joyful cabaret. Winner of the 2019 SACD Directing Award, she often directs interdisciplinary productions, such as Lenny, her recent homage to Leonard Bernstein at the Théâtre du Rond-Point with the Divertimento symphony orchestra conducted by Zahia Ziouani; or the musical Songe à la douceur at the Théâtre Paris-Villette. She crafted this Brazen adaptation for the Comédie-Française, a place where remembrance and innovation coexist, which made it ideal to give this repertoire of women life. These thirty biographical, lively vignettes whose character make it very easy to place into context, are inspirations for a playful theatre. The Troupe embodies these exceptional personas in the span of a song or more developed short scenes, dressed in costumes from the house stash or adorning a single prop. The stage is turned into a playing field with everchanging rules for each new Brazen lady, matching their fierce sense of freedom that makes everything possible.


With the generous support of Aline Foriel-Destezet, great patron of the arts.

Le texte est publié chez Gallimard Bande-dessinée

Creative team

Adaptation: Rachel Arditi and Justine Heynemann
Directed by: Justine Heynemann
Scenography and costumes: Marie Hervé
Lighting: Héléna Castelli
Original music and arrangements: Manuel Peskine
Choreographic work: Tamara Fernando


the company

  • sl-coralie-zahonero-13


    Annette Kellermann, Minerva (Las Mariposas), Thérèse Clerc, ChCheryl Bridges, Christine Jorgensen…

    See biography
  • sl-franc-ordm-oise-gillard-10


    Agnodice, Patria (Las Mariposas), Wu Zetian, Hedy Lamarr, Betty (The Shaggs), Giorgina Reid, Temple Grandin…

    See biography
  • sl-elissa-alloula-9


    María Teresa (Las Mariposas), Peggy Guggenheim, Frances Glessner Lee, Rachel (The Shaggs), Sonita Alizadeh, Jesselyn Radack…

    See biography
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    Mae Jemison, Helen (The Shaggs), Betty Davis, Phulan Devi…

    See biography
  • sl-se-uphora-pondi-31


    Margaret Hamilton, Dorothy (The Shaggs), Clémentine Delait, Joséphine Baker…

    See biography

Manuel Peskine: piano, guitar, cello


  • 2024-01-25 18:30:00

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  • Smart glasses

    English subtitles

  • Découvrez

    la saison 24-25


En raison du renforcement des mesures de sécurité dans le cadre du plan Vigipirate « Urgence attentat », nous vous demandons de vous présenter 30 minutes avant le début de la représentation afin de faciliter le contrôle.

Nous vous rappelons également qu’un seul sac (de type sac à main, petit sac à dos) par personne est admis dans l’enceinte des trois théâtres de la Comédie-Française. Tout spectateur se présentant muni d’autres sacs (sac de courses, bagage) ou objets encombrants, se verra interdire l’entrée des bâtiments.
