La Reine des neiges, l'histoire oubliée

after Hans Christian Andersen
Directed by Johanna Boyé


22 November 2023 - 7 January 2024


La Reine des neiges,...

2023-11-22 19:00:00 2024-01-07 21:45:00

Snow Queen indeed, but not frozen. This is the story of the original, forgotten Snow Queen, written in 1844 by Andersen.

This play, which premiered last season, was Johanna Boyé’s first Comédie-Française production, and an opportunity to return to Andersen’s original story: Gerda and Kay are inseparable playmates until one day, when injured by two crystals from a broken mirror, the young boy’s temperament changes: he becomes spiteful. He then disappears, kidnapped by the mysterious Snow Queen. Waiting to hear from him, Gerda decides to travel the world in search of her dear companion. This heroin, intrepid as can be, crosses the path of the Great Troll and his crew, the Glasses Princess and her Prince, a humorous Crow and an adorable Reindeer, an old Bandit, a Witch, and other classic tale characters. After facing many dangers, her grit allows her to pass the necessary tests to retrieve Kay from the mythical Ice Palace. Her production follows Andersen’s plot, based on the legends of the North, and leads us through forest and snowy lands to meet mischievous Trolls, the Magician or the Little Brigand, but also the Reindeer and the Crow.
Johanna Boyé tackles a story filled with powerful female figures and fashions a visual fairyland for the theatre, allowing the actors to lean on illusions, magic, whimsy and humour. Her version respects Andersen’s plot, based on Northern tales, and takes the viewer through the snow-covered forests harbouring the Snow Queen, the initiatory figure. After a fantastic journey sealing their friendship forever, Gerda and Kay are ready to enter adolescence.

Please note this show is set at a special time suited for children: performances take place at 7 p.m.
Family-friendly, for viewers aged 7+

During the season

This show premiered on November 23, 2022 at the Théâtre du Vieux-Colombier.

Creative team

Adaptation: Johanna Boyé et Élisabeth Ventura
Directed by: Johanna Boyé
Scenography: Caroline Mexme
Costumes: Marion Rebmann
Lighting: Cyril Manetta
Original music and sound: Mehdi Bourayou
Choreographic work: Johan Nus
Magic: Vincent Wütrich
Makeup and hairstyles: Julie Poulain
Assistant director: Stéphanie Froeliger
Costume assistantship: Violaine de Maupeou and Clément Desoutter


the company

  • sl-suliane-brahim-25


    la Reine des neiges, le Petit Troll des mousses, la Princesse Lunettes, le Boiteux, un brigand et la Sorcière du crépuscule

    See biography
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    la Grand-Mère, Madame Clément, le Petit Troll des champignons et la Vieille Brigande

    See biography
  • sl-clai-ena-clavaron-14


    le Petit Troll des arbres, Madame Chouettor, la Magicienne et la Petite Brigande

    See biography
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    Liv, le Petit Troll des lichens et Gerda

    See biography
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    Floki, le Petit Troll des pierres, Kay et le Prince Lunettes

    See biography
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    le Grand Troll, Monsieur Loran, la Corneille, le Renne et N’a qu’un œil, un brigand

    See biography


  • 2023-11-22 19:00:00

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    de 12 à 35 €

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    de 15 à 35 €

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    de 12 à 35 €

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    de 12 à 35 €

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    de 15 à 35 €

  • 2024-01-02 19:00:00

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    de 12 à 35 €

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    de 12 à 35 €

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  • 2024-01-07 15:00:00

    2024-01-07 15:00:00

    de 12 à 35 €

  • Smart glasses

    English subtitles

  • Découvrez

    la saison 24-25


En raison du renforcement des mesures de sécurité dans le cadre du plan Vigipirate « Urgence attentat », nous vous demandons de vous présenter 30 minutes avant le début de la représentation afin de faciliter le contrôle.

Nous vous rappelons également qu’un seul sac (de type sac à main, petit sac à dos) par personne est admis dans l’enceinte des trois théâtres de la Comédie-Française. Tout spectateur se présentant muni d’autres sacs (sac de courses, bagage) ou objets encombrants, se verra interdire l’entrée des bâtiments.
