by Marcel Aymé
directed by Raphaëlle Saudinos et Véronique Vella
Le Chien - Les Contes du...
2023-03-23 18:30:00 2023-05-07 20:30:00
Delphine and Marinette are back! Véronique Vella previously staged the characters in collaboration with Raphaëlle Saudinos, in two shows where they met the famous Wolf, then the Deer, legendary animals of the forest and symbols of transgression and freedom.
In this third part of their triptych devoted to the Contes du chat perché [Tales of the Perched Cat], the girls have grown up more and are old enough to do the shopping on their own. On their way back, they meet a dog, man’s best friend... In this world, animals have the art of speech, and our scruffy and gruff Blind Dog is a particularly good talker. He moves Delphine and Marinette with his sad tale: he agreed to take on his master’s blindness, but the mean master abandoned him as soon as he had recovered his sight. The girls firmly resist the Dog’s attempts to talk them into feeding him the round filet of veal he sniffs in their basket, however they offer to take him in, which their parents accept. The Cat soon becomes the Dog’s best friend, but as he is a touch jealous, he sometimes claws his mistresses. Feeling unloved after being admonished by the Dog, he offers to take on the latter’s blindness...
From one adventure to the next, the directors unfold a world on stage that speaks to us of the complexities of love, fidelity and free choice, of the lost illusions that allow us to grow. They are fond of a theatre where music and songs are naturally in tune with the dialogues and for this production are reunited with many collaborators from the first two parts, set in the house and then on its threshold. Today, Delphine and Marinette are out in the open air, in the farmyard with its path leading into the distance, between the Cat’s shelter in the granary and the fields, full of energy as they approach the cusp of their adult lives.
with the generous support of Aline Foriel-Destezet, great ambassador of artistic creation
and with the support of the Club 1680
Le texte est publié par les Éditions Gallimard
Tout public à partir de 7 ans
Direction: Raphaëlle Saudinos et Véronique Vella
Scenography : Éric Ruf
Costumes: Siegrid Petit-Imbert
Lights: Denis Koransky
Graphic animation: Anne Kessler
Original music: Vincent Leterme
Additionnal verses : Raphaëlle Saudinos
Sound: Jean-Luc Ristord
Director assistant: Robin Ormond de l’académie de la Comédie-Française
Scenography assistant: Adèle Collé
2023-03-23 18:30:00
2023-03-23 18:30:00
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En raison du préavis de grève nationale déposé pour la défense des métiers des professionnelles et professionnels des arts, du spectacle et de la culture suivi par une partie des équipes de la Comédie-Française, la représentation de La Cerisaie programmée ce jeudi 20 mars à 20h30, Salle Richelieu, est annulée.
Vous trouverez ci-dessous les modalités de remboursement de vos billets.
Nous vous prions de bien vouloir nous excuser et vous remercions par avance pour votre patience, fidélité et soutien.
En raison du renforcement des mesures de sécurité dans le cadre du plan Vigipirate « Urgence attentat », nous vous demandons de vous présenter 30 minutes avant le début de la représentation afin de faciliter le contrôle.
Nous vous rappelons également qu’un seul sac (de type sac à main, petit sac à dos) par personne est admis dans l’enceinte des trois théâtres de la Comédie-Française. Tout spectateur se présentant muni d’autres sacs (sac de courses, bagage) ou objets encombrants, se verra interdire l’entrée des bâtiments.