Le Misanthrope

The Misanthrope
by Molière
Directed by Clément Hervieu-Léger


17 December 2014 - 23 March 2015


Le Misanthrope

2014-12-17 00:00:00 2015-03-23 00:00:00

Alceste is in love with Célimène, an independent-minded young woman who, following her recent widowhood, has taken to presiding over her own salon.

Troubled by a trial whose outcome he fears, Alceste goes to her home, accompanied by his friend Philinte, whom he reproaches for his complacent attitude towards society. He wants his mistress to publicly declare her affections to him. But he hadn’t counted on the unexpected arrival of a gentleman who writes terrible poetry, two Marquis of the Court, Célimène’s cousin Eliante, who has taken an apartment above Célimène’s, and Arsinoé, who warns Célimène that there are rumours circulating about her character. The Misanthrope depicts a society free from parental and religious influence, whose social veneer peels away as soon as desire is aroused. Over the course of a day, while being pushed to the limit by Alceste’s uncompromising resistance to all forms of social niceties, the characters reveal the contradictions of human beings who obey reasons of the heart that are unknowable to reason.

Molière, the author
Molière took his time writing the five-act Misanthrope. It was started in 1664 during the Tartuffe affair and first performed in 1666 on the stage of the Palais-Royal with Molière in the role of “the man with green ribbons”. Initially, the play disconcerted audiences used to French farce and commedia dell’arte. But this comedy in verse was immediately hailed by critics, Subligny describing it as “an inimitable masterpiece”, and Donneau of Vise praising it for making “continuous laughter in the soul”. The Misanthrope remains a unique comedy in Molière’s work as it combines naturalness and truth to portray a salon torn between civil society and a court society subject to monarchical power.

Clément Hervieu-Léger, the director
The actor and director Clément Hervieu-Léger joined the Comédie-Française in 2005. Outside the Comédie-Française, he has directed Francesco Cavalli’s Didone with the Les Art Florissants ensemble conducted by William Christie, and Marivaux’s The Test with the Petits Champs company of which he has been artistic co-director since 2010. It was after staging The Critique of the School for Wives at the Studio-Théâtre in 2011 that Clément Hervieu-Léger decided to direct The Misanthrope, a comedy in verse whose roots can be found in the Critique. Fascinated by the “sociological perspective” that Molière brings, his staging seeks to bring out the tensions of a society salon in crisis.




Creative team

Direction: Clément Hervieu-Léger
Direction assistant: Juliette Léger
Scenography: Éric Ruf
Scenography assistant: Dominique Schmitt
Costumes: Caroline de Vivaise
Lights: Bertrand Couderc
Music: Pascal Sangla
Sound design: Jean-Luc Ristord
Hairdressing: Fabrice Elineau


the company

The Comédie-Française Academy

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    English subtitles

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    la saison 24-25

Cher public,

Nous tenons à vous présenter nos sincères excuses pour l’incident technique survenu le 23 janvier dernier lors de l’ouverture des ventes. Nous sommes conscients des désagréments que cela a pu causer et regrettons profondément cette situation.

Nous avons travaillé activement pour résoudre le problème et vous tenir informés dans les meilleurs délais après avoir identifié la cause et l’impact du dysfonctionnement.

Votre espace personnel reste encore actuellement indisponible et nous mettons tout en œuvre pour en rétablir l’accès au plus tôt.

Nous vous remercions de votre patience et de votre compréhension. Soyez assurés que nous faisons tout notre possible pour éviter de tels incidents à l’avenir.

La Comédie-Française


En raison du renforcement des mesures de sécurité dans le cadre du plan Vigipirate « Urgence attentat », nous vous demandons de vous présenter 30 minutes avant le début de la représentation afin de faciliter le contrôle.

Nous vous rappelons également qu’un seul sac (de type sac à main, petit sac à dos) par personne est admis dans l’enceinte des trois théâtres de la Comédie-Française. Tout spectateur se présentant muni d’autres sacs (sac de courses, bagage) ou objets encombrants, se verra interdire l’entrée des bâtiments.
