Adaptation and direction
Stéphane Varupenne and Sébastien Pouderoux
Les Serge (Gainsbourg...
2019-05-16 18:30:00 2019-06-30 18:30:00
Everyone has their own version of Serge. Whether adulated or detested, an example or an object of scorn, Serge Gainsbourg always resisted both those who wanted to sanctify him and others who would have liked to see him pilloried.
“I don’t want to be pigeonholed” Serge Gainsbourg once said to Georges Lautner. Mission by and large accomplished: any attempt at definition would be reductive and, indeed, more than twenty-five years after his death, it could be said that everyone has their own version of Serge. Whether adulated or detested, an example or an object of scorn, he always resisted both those who wanted to sanctify him and others who would have liked to see him pilloried. Provocative? Not so sure. But there is no doubting he was a composer and author of genius.
1973, in an interview with Michel Lancelot:
“If you had to write a book on chanson?”
It would have to be made like a pupil’s copybook. That would accurately represent chanson. There’d have to be a margin and I’d be in the margin of every page.”
“I always said that the word leads me to the idea” also stated the man who, thanks to Boris Vian, came to admit that perhaps chanson was not so dishonourable after all. In the tradition of the Comédie-Française productions Comme une pierre qui... and L’Interlope (cabaret) Stéphane Varupenne and Sébastien Pouderoux seek out the self-effacing individual and eminent specialist of the sidestep who was trained in the classical school in music as well as in painting. Gathering on stage several of their comrades from the Troupe who are also musicians and singers, they ponder the various manners in which people enter the world of “Gainsbourie”.
Adaptation and staging: Stéphane Varupenne et Sébastien Pouderoux
Lights: Éric Dumas
Musical arrangements: Guillaume Bachelé, Martin Leterme, Vincent Leterme et les Serge
Sounds: Théo Jonval
chant, claviers
2019-05-16 18:30:00
2019-05-16 18:30:00
de 9 à 25 €
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