Created and directed by Serge Bagdassarian and Marina Hands
Mais quelle Comédie !
2024-05-23 20:30:00 2024-07-21 23:00:00
"The show must go on at the Comédie-Française" could be the title of this production devised by Serge Bagdassarian and Marina Hands as an ode to the Troupe, to the joy of being reunited in front of an audience previously drawn away by the 2020 pandemic.
Broadway meets cabarets in this dancing, singing occasion; go with the flow of tears and laughter of this festive musical created around the artists that make up the heart of the House.
“We imagined Mais quelle Comédie ! as an extension of La Comédie continue !, the streaming platform we created during lockdown”,Serge Bagdassarian and Marina Hands explain. Beyond our well-supplied Répertoire and our many theatre adventures, we dug from our memories, internal worlds, childhood stories and musings as actors-to-be, desires, disappointments, achievements and crashes. Our rituals, our common zest. As if the Comédie-Française had looked in a mirror through the lens of phones, tablets and laptops. We wanted to go back to that very place. The show is made up of ensemble dancing numbers and duets or solos with songs, extracts or testimonies from our beloved Répertoire. Our goal was to provide an overview of our ties to the audience, to the stage, to this craft, in all its eclectic diversity. This is a complete illustration of our motto, simul et singulis (be together and be ourselves).
This show premiered on June 30, 2021 at the Salle Richelieu.
Conceived and directed by: Serge Bagdassarian and Marina Hands
Scenography: Chloé Bellemere
Costumes: the Troupe under the loving gaze of Christian Lacroix and Jean Philippe Pons
Lighting: Bertrand Couderc
Musical direction and arrangements: Vincent Leterme and Benoît Urbain
Sound: Julien Hulard Choreographic work: Glysleïn Lefever
Assistant Director: Alison Hornus
Choreographic assistantship: Rémi Boissy
and Nicolas Verdier
And the musicians:
Vincent Leterme: piano (alternately)
Benoît Urbain: piano (alternately)
Pierre-Jules Billon : percussion
Philippe Briegh: clarinet, saxophone, violin
David Doucerain : guitar
Sarah Maletras: trumpet (alternating)
Olivier Moret : double bass
Luce Perret: trumpet (alternating)
2024-05-23 20:30:00
2024-05-23 20:30:00
de 6 à 45 €
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2024-07-21 20:30:00
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pour les représentations de mars à juillet 2025
JEU 23 JANV à partir de 11h
achat des places aux tarifs Cartes 2024-2025
MAR 28 JANV à partir de 11h
achat des places pour tous les publics individuels et les groupes
Sauf contrainte technique majeure, aucune place ne sera vendue aux guichets.
L’achat en ligne est vivement conseillé pour obtenir une réponse immédiate sur la disponibilité des dates des spectacles et du placement souhaités.
En raison du renforcement des mesures de sécurité dans le cadre du plan Vigipirate « Urgence attentat », nous vous demandons de vous présenter 30 minutes avant le début de la représentation afin de faciliter le contrôle.
Nous vous rappelons également qu’un seul sac (de type sac à main, petit sac à dos) par personne est admis dans l’enceinte des trois théâtres de la Comédie-Française. Tout spectateur se présentant muni d’autres sacs (sac de courses, bagage) ou objets encombrants, se verra interdire l’entrée des bâtiments.