directed by Serge Sarkissian
text and interpretation Catherine Salviat
Singulis / 36 Chandelles...
2023-06-14 18:30:00 2023-07-02 22:30:00
Alone on stage, surrounded by her favourite characters and authors, Catherine Salviat takes the audience through more than fifty years of passion for theatre.
She graduated from the Conservatoire with a first prize in classical acting before joining the Troupe in 1969. Appointed an honorary member in 2006, she has remained faithful to her theatrical family, which she returned to in particular for Ibsen’s Peer Gynt, directed by Éric Ruf, and Marivaux’s La Double Inconstance, directed by Anne Kessler.
These 36 chandelles [36 candles] are a lively portrait of as many years spent in the House of Molière: between acting and confidences, the actress whose countless roles span from the young heroine to the duenna, slips into the shoes of the characters she has played, recounts her encounters and many anecdotes about the illustrious House. When speaking of the genius of Giorgio Strehler, who directed her in Goldoni’s Holiday Trilogy, she admits, with a twinkle in her eye: “I didn’t like rehearsals much, but with him they were fascinating!”
Revelation with Valère Novarina, or with Anatoli Vassiliev, whose fiery arguments she has not forgotten, complicity with Pierre Dux and Michel Duchaussoy, unconditional love for Musset or Bernanos: the distinguished actress summons a whole community, real or imaginary, with some of her Troupe comrades appearing on screen, including Guillaume Gallienne, one of her admirers, who directed her in Les Garçons et Guillaume, à table! The highly embodied spirit of these theatrical memoirs invites us to travel through an extraordinary life, both on stage and behind the scenes.
23 JAN
Directed by: Serge Sarkissian
2023-06-14 20:30:00
2023-06-14 20:30:00
de 12 à 27 €
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2023-07-02 20:30:00
de 12 à 27 €
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