de Dario Fo
Interprétation – Guillaume Gallienne
Studio Marigny
Studio Marigny
Singulis / François, le...
2020-09-29 00:00:00 2020-10-15 00:00:00
In the thirteenth-century Italy, when insolence quickly led to the stake, Francis, a free man of faith, wandered through Umbria with his companions.
Along the way, he restored churches, negotiated with the wolf, spoke to the birds and preached the Gospels in the common tongue. With joy and mischief, the saint of Assisi captured the attention of onlookers, entertaining them and moving them, denouncing money, power, manipulation and war. Francis harangues the crowd, speaking with the fullness of his body and his voice. To listen to him is to attend a performance, a religious comedy. He has the skills of a great actor and a holy jester. To continue preaching with his poor brethren, he must convince Pope Innocent of the benefits of his community.
“For me, performing alone on stage means total freedom. I am very much inspired by the approach of Dario Fo, which is close to street theatre. I also believe that performing alone on stage is a way of stripping everything away, since only the spoken word subsists. This theatre renews with storytelling and establishes a more direct relationship with the audience. Here, I am not an actor, I am a storyteller who conveys the words of an author, who delivers a story to the audience by constantly soliciting it’s attention” explains Guillaume Gallienne, whom Claude Mathieu, his theatrical mentor and the troupe’s doyenne, directs.
Adaptation and translation: Toni Cecchinato and Nicole Colchat
Director: Claude Mathieu
interpretation: Guillaume Gallienne
Lights: Denis Koransky
2020-09-30 18:30:00
2020-09-30 18:30:00
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2020-10-15 18:30:00
2020-10-15 18:30:00
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