Singulis / Molière-matériau(x)

devised and performed by Pierre Louis-Calixte

6 24 April 2022

Singulis /...

2022-04-06 20:30:00 2022-04-24 23:30:00

“Molière, I have noticed, has been present at various stages of my acting career and, more broadly, of my life.

I would like to express him, not as a biographer but as an actor, as one works on a role, making it an addition of one’s own truth and that of the character one dreams of. I try to hear his thoughts, to understand what drives him, and to see how, in his singularity, he makes me reflect on my own history, and more generally on the question of memory. A very subjective evocation, which will undoubtedly end up halfway between the two of us, and which, I hope, will speak to everyone.

I proceed by gathering up all sorts of materials, as if for a construction project: I read and I try to let myself go. I would like to summon Jean-Luc Lagarce, and his Malade imaginaire, as well as Musset dreaming of a performance of a Molière play he has just seen. Other intermediaries, figures and characters will also be invited.
I would also like the show to keep a memory of the different stages of its construction, like a piece of scenery whose reverse side reveals its frame and the counterweights that keep it standing upright, and that in this way the show embraces the joyful chaos that sometimes characterises creation, where an idea, an object, a text or a word leads to others.
Pierre Louis-Calixte

New production





the company


  • 2022-04-06 20:30:00

    2022-04-06 20:30:00

    de 9 à 25 €

  • 2022-04-07 20:30:00

    2022-04-07 20:30:00

    de 9 à 25 €

  • 2022-04-08 20:30:00

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    de 9 à 25 €

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    2022-04-09 20:30:00

    de 9 à 25 €

  • 2022-04-10 20:30:00

    2022-04-10 20:30:00

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  • 2022-04-13 20:30:00

    2022-04-13 20:30:00

    de 9 à 25 €

  • 2022-04-14 20:30:00

    2022-04-14 20:30:00

    de 9 à 25 €

  • 2022-04-15 20:30:00

    2022-04-15 20:30:00

    de 9 à 25 €

  • 2022-04-20 20:30:00

    2022-04-20 20:30:00

    de 9 à 25 €

  • 2022-04-21 20:30:00

    2022-04-21 20:30:00

    de 9 à 25 €

  • 2022-04-22 20:30:00

    2022-04-22 20:30:00

    de 9 à 25 €

  • 2022-04-23 20:30:00

    2022-04-23 20:30:00

    de 9 à 25 €

  • 2022-04-24 20:30:00

    2022-04-24 20:30:00

    de 9 à 25 €

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    la saison 24-25

SAISON 24-25


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La Comédie-Française


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